Common Questions

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Yes, AppO includes the use of Artificial Intelligence technology. It is used extensively in the on-board help system.

It is not used in finding the solutions to problems or developing answers to questions for very simple reasons:

  1. The current most advanced forms of generative A.I. use vast volumes of cleaned data to identify patterns and aberrations. The data available to AppO is miniscule in comparison.
  2. Data used by AppO represents the internal planning of the organisations using AppO, which is very confidential information owned by a single organisation and therefore highly unlikely to be shared outside the organisation, which prohibits the identification of patterns and aberrations in the same way. 
For Artificial Intelligence to be able to do what AppO does will require it to develop into a state known as “Theory of Mind”, which will be capable of understanding and remembering human emotions while adjusting their behaviors in response. You could talk to a “Theory of Mind” AI almost like it was a human. It is currently entirely theoretical.

In general, YES, AppO, is a secure application.

To gain access to AppO an authorised user must enter a username, password combination and then, optionally, transition a multi-factor authentication sequence. 

Additionally, System Administrators can restrict authorised users to components of application functionality at three levels and also restrict authorised users to limited (or not) portions of the data available for access e.g. If the user’s access is restricted they will not even see the data that they are not authorised to access. A pragmatic example is providing a project manager access to only information about the project they are managing and perhaps even restricting the project manager to entering only project status information. 

Thus AppO can be used collaboratively, providing access to only the functionality and data required by any individual to perform their role within AppO.

Kepa has gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure the protection of our client’s data, which is held in a high-security data centre in Sydney Australia, frequently backed-up, encrypted at rest, and transferred over the net in encrypted form making sure that data sovereignty of our client’s data is always protected. 

Yes, AppO enables accredited consultants to support their client engagements, allowing our partners to control user billing, access rights and usage.

Once you have been granted access to AppO you can begin work immediately. As soon as you have system access you can consult the “Value Model Library” and immediately download and use any of the Value Models available.

It may take as much as an hour for one person to configure AppO via the “Settings” functionality so it is will work optimally for your organisation.

AppO includes extensive help articles that are accessed from within the application. You can also access help through the user community and our support partners.

Kepa Software is always there to help our clients and support partners. We can also train your people to be “AppO Accredited Professionals”.

All AppO pricing is based on a percentage of your revenue if you are a commercial organisation, or based on your total expenses if you are a government agency. 

Thus, it is impossible to quote a cost until we share confidential information under some non-disclosure agreement.

Yes, of course, we would be happy to let you know whatever it is you need. Simply click here.

AppO’s core decision engine is based on 40 year old, tried and tested decision science proven by the University of NSW to be valid in ranking portfolio options, exactly where PPM tools and spreadsheets fail.

Kepa Software has extended the process and is currently the only organisation in the world that is considered to be able to deliver universality (A single Value Model that is used to assess and prioritise all capital investment regardless of location, asset class, type, purpose etc.)

The five unique inventions in AppO can ensure strategic alignment, massively reduce time and effort, aggregate investment options to median, average, worst case and best case, and generate logical consensus positions making it the most pragmatic tool available.

Thank you, we have worked very hard to make AppO a quality product that adds real value in a real world. We would welcome any proposals to generate mutual growth and provide improved service to our customers. Please click on this link and fill out the form to let us know what you have in mind.

If you already employ an AppO Accredited Professional you are highly likely to have the skills on-board to work with your Executive team and other key personnel to provide you with that answer. If you don’t currently employ an AppO Accredited Professional, Kepa Software can assess the potential for any of your personnel to undergo training and emerge an AppO Accredited Professional.

Kepa Software also offers an extensive service to assess your organisation’s readiness to implement AppO (or any Portfolio Prioritisation) covering people, processes, and systems, including:

  • Organisation 
  • Governance and gating
  • Strategy Development
  • Strategy Delivery
  • The Executive

The assessment will include:

  • Current status
  • Issues and opportunities
  • Recommendations
  • Next steps
  • High-level implementation plan
The assessment may take up to a month (elapsed) depending on the availability of your key personnel.

Many organisations question if they are ready for AppO, are their systems, processes and people prepared for this level of sophistication? Kepa can provide you with an extensive Readiness Assessment that will identify current status, risks and issues, opportunities, and provide you with a high-level plan, time and cost estimates.